Customer Service

Charger and evRang APP manual

User manuals for each charger


How to use public chargers
We will always provide customers with customer oriented better services.
How to use public chargers

Partially public

How to use partially public chargers
evRang membership cards are automatically issued when you simply sign up on the evRang website.

We will always provide customers with customer oriented better services.
How to use partially public chargers


How to use private chargers & evRang Home
Download the user manual of the home charger app evRang Home being provided by ECARPLUG.
We will always provide customers with customer oriented better services.
How to use private chargers & evRang Home
  • 환경부
  • 산업통상자원부
  • eVRang
  • 저공해차 통합누리집
  • 한국에너지공단
  • 한국환경공단
  • 한국자동차환경협회